Tofu raises $5M to put B2B marketing on autopilot

Elaine, Honglei and I started our journey earlier this year to reimagine how the breakthrough in Generative AI can superpower marketing teams in creating content and act as an accelerant to rebundle the vastly fragmented marketing stack. Through firsthand experiences and countless interviews, it was clear that there was a tremendous opportunity for marketing teams to leverage this technological shift to create more effective campaigns at scale with fewer resources.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Tofu has raised a $5M seed round led by Index Ventures with participation from SignalFire, Stage 2 Capital, Liquid 2 Ventures and an amazing group of angel investors to pour fuel on this mission and transform the future of B2B marketing.

The “prompt”

Over the past decade we’ve observed an enormous surplus of marketing applications and agencies introduced to the market, each tackling a specific channel or a narrow segment of a marketer’s workflow. This fragmentation has led to inefficient teams and siloed data ultimately resulting in ineffective campaigns.

For example, teams use a separate tool or agency for emails, another for ads and yet another for creating landing pages. By harnessing LLMs (Large Language Models), teams can now unlock an order of magnitude increase in efficiency to create their content. Combined with the fact that you can use AI to determine the most effective content and format for every channel, the ability to create coherent, omni-channel campaigns at scale has become not only possible, but in our view, inevitable.

Doing more with less

After having 100+ conversations with CMOs, two pain points have been abundantly clear. One is the challenge of scaling personalized campaigns and the second is the desire to repurpose existing content across other channels. Coincidently, we believe these are the exact areas in which AI excels at and can assist teams, so we built out our initial product to solve these two pain points.

Tofu can create, execute and measure hyper-personalized campaigns at scale. Whether it’s creating thousands of account specific emails for ABM (Account Based Marketing) campaigns, or personalizing whitepapers for 20 different industries, Tofu can create high-quality, personalized content that resonates with target customer segments. Our goal is to truly put our customers’ targeted campaigns on autopilot so they can focus on their core-messaging and strategy.

Tofu creates hyper-personalized content across your channels with a simple click

With marketing teams consistently looking for areas to increase their efficiency, Tofu helps marketers use an existing piece of anchor content to create multiple derivative pieces of content. For every webinar, teams have to create numerous ancillary assets such as a social post, landing page for signups, nurture emails for people who signed up, and a separate email sequence for those who didn’t. Teams also have one off needs such as turning a new ebook into a blog post and/or a social post. These are all tasks teams manually do today but don’t necessarily love doing, so we created Tofu to help them focus instead on the creative and strategic work.

On-brand, secure, and trustworthy

As much as scale is an important part of our offering, ensuring the content Tofu generates is on-brand and trustworthy is a core principle of ours from day 1. The engine that drives our content generation engine stems from our proprietary Playbook that we build for every company using Tofu. We automatically ingest marketing materials teams have today, ranging from their website to internal documentation, to ensure Tofu-generated content aligns with their brand, messaging, and positioning.

We are on a mission to ensure teams can create and measure campaigns at scale, share content securely across teams with safe role-based access, and place tight controls to curb any hallucinations generated by AI.

An exciting journey ahead

We are still in the early innings of supercharging B2B marketing teams with AI to put their campaigns on autopilot. Some of our earliest customers have seen tremendous benefits of scaling and personalizing their content using Tofu, cutting down their campaign cycles by 25%, and increasing open rates on email campaigns by 230%.

We are excited to build on this momentum in truly serving our customers and become the single platform where teams can create on-brand marketing campaigns at scale. Thank you to everyone that has been part of our journey so far, and we look forward to helping many more customers reap the benefits of using Tofu. For anyone that wants to learn more, please book some time with me and I would be happy to show Tofu in action.

Eunjoon Cho. CEO, Tofu


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